Immunoglobulin therapy is considered a medical necessity for a variety of diseases.
Immunoglobulin Therapy (IVIG)
Effective IVIG Treatment
IVIG home infusion therapy provides privacy, personal freedom, and reduced costs. ContinuumRx provides FDA-approved brands of medications used for IVIG treatment, and our pharmacists work closely with your doctor to identify the most effective and clinically appropriate IVIG therapy.
Getting Started with IVIG Therapy
What is an immunoglobulin?
Immunoglobulin is also known as an antibody and is part of the immune system that locates, attacks, and destroys foreign substances that enter the body.
How do I receive IVIG Therapy?
You can receive immunoglobulin therapy in one of two ways:
- Through your veins
- Injections in the fat beneath your skin.
Why do I need to receive IVIG Therapy?
There are many reasons antibodies are given to patients. Some patients have neurological disorders that can be helped with antibody therapy, while others receive antibodies simply because their bodies do not make enough. Everyone is different, and your doctor will explain how the antibody therapy can help you.
How long does it take for the IVIG medicine to go into my body?
It depends on the prescribed dosage and how you feel during and after the treatment. Most IV treatments take approximately 2-4 hours on average, while subcutaneous treatments require 1.5-2 hours.
Where will I receive my IVIG treatments?
If you and your doctor choose IV therapy, you may have your infusion at an outpatient center or at home. If you receive subcutaneous therapy, your treatments can be done wherever you feel most comfortable. Many patients still work in an office or stay at home during subcutaneous treatment. However, you must have your first dose in a controlled environment, such as an infusion center, outpatient center, doctor’s office, or hospital. After your first treatment, you may receive treatment at home if your physician agrees it is the best course of treatment for your case.

Side Effects to IVIG Treatments
There is a possibility of side effects or reactions. Common side effects of IVIG therapy include migraine, nausea, chills, fatigue, or flu-like symptoms. Your doctor can often prescribe medications you can take before your infusion to reduce the possibility or severity of side effects or reactions. Most side effects that occur from subcutaneous therapy are related to the injection site. The skin may become irritated, red, itchy, and swollen. These reactions are typically very minimal and subside quickly.
Is it better to receive IVIG treatments at home or at a medical facility?
Is it better to receive IVIG treatments at home or at a medical facility?
It depends on your situation. IV therapy can be done in a controlled setting or at home. While ContinuumRx IVIG patients will always be supervised by trained clinical staff, many patients prefer to receive their infusions in our spa-like clinic. For patients with busy schedules or for those who aren’t as mobile, IV therapy at home is an excellent alternative to treatment at a medical facility. If you have your infusion at home, ContinuumRx will be able to deliver your medicine to you promptly at any venue.
For subcutaneous infusion, several types of patients will benefit from receiving this therapy at home:
- Those with busy schedules
- Patients who do not travel well
- Patients looking for more independence with their therapy if their conditions allow
If I decide to do my own infusions subcutaneously (into the fatty tissue), who will teach me how to do it?
Trained Nurse
A ContinuumRx nurse can train the patient at our ambulatory infusion clinic or at home. You will usually have home health assistance approximately three times before you begin administering the infusions yourself. It is beneficial for you to have other family members or friends present with you during the training process so they may also learn the procedure.
Home Health Agency
ContinuumRx partners with several home health agencies whose nurses are proficient in the administration of IV and subcutaneous antibody therapy. Many home health agencies assign you the same nurse each time, so you may experience continuity of care and feel more comfortable during treatment.